Video Blog

Elizabeth Knights-Trench; MNCH (reg) DipHyp, MA, BA (hons)

I video blog in South London – tips, advice and techniques to help you get happy and stay happy! Or at least ‘happier’!

As a Clinical and Cognitive Hypnotherapist, I specialise in helping clients in South London overcome anxiety, stress, lack of motivation/mojo, low self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. I’m particularly keen on working with women and empowering them to make a success of their lives (whatever ‘success’ means to them).

Back to ‘get happy’…

The truth is, getting ‘happy’ is not an end goal. It is is a by-product of being a calm, confident, compassionate, generous, centred, curious (and a few more ‘c’ words, none of them bad ones!). It starts by you wanting – choosing (another C word!) – to be these things. It is then a journey of how to be them.

Come with me on the journey…

Note: In the first video you’ll see me turn around to my (loud) two year old and tell her to ‘be quiet’ which shows I’m not nearly as Zen as I’d like to be, and I’m on this journey just as much as you are. The only difference is, I’m trained in tools, techniques and methodologies which I’m going to share (even if I can’t always put into practise!).

Get happy. Stay happy. Keep yourself not just getting through the day, but enjoying it. Women have a tendency to want to get it not just right, but perfect, however we need to learn how to fail, shake it off, and get straight back on the path we fell off.

Get happy. Stay happy. Keep yourself not just getting through the day, but enjoying it. Women have a tendency to want to get it not just right, but perfect, however we need to learn how to fail, shake it off, and get straight back on the path we fell off.

Get happy. Overcome stress, anxiety, overwhelm. Build self-confidence and banish low self-esteem to the bin, because you simply don’t need it! This video shows you how to get meditation into daily routines when you simply haven’t time to make a dedicated time for it!

Time to get HAPPY: banish anxiety, stress, overwhelm. Increase confidence, resilience, self-esteem. This video tells you simple, quick ways to pick yourself up when you wake up feeling a little flat. Simple advice from a Clinical Hypnotherapist in South London.

The green prescription. No excuses! Banish anxiety, stress, overwhelm. Bring calm and confidence back into your life and feel centred and capable. Cheap, quick and simple tricks, techniques and advice from a Clinical Hypnotherapist in South London on how to get happy, stay happy and keep your mental health tip top!

Self care starts TODAY. Wellbeing is all about looking after your thoughts, your feelings and your behaviour. Being mindful, staying in the present, not letting useless or unhelpful thoughts run amok in your head. Getting in charge of your mind. Simple, quick, cheap advice from a therapist trained in trauma, CBT, EFT, NLP and psycho-dynamic therapy.

Cheap, quick and simple tips to ensure happiness. I am a clinical hypnotherapist also trained as a life coach, CDP practitioner and NLP trained. Happiness is a bi-product of living in a calm, centred and confident way, acting from a place of grounded self (not ego but self). Banish anxiety, stress and overwhelm, and feel more motivated and back in charge of your life.

#gethappy I started calling this blog get happy, because as a hypnotherapist i’m always hoping to help clients shift thoughts, beliefs and behaviours to become a happier, better version of themselves. But I recently listened to a podcast that talked about getting happier rather than getting happy…and to be honest, I think that’s more correct. One step at a time! Compare yourself to how you felt yesterday, not how someone else is feeling or how you should feel! Anxiety, stress, overwhelm and burnout are all to do with comparing yourself to others or letting an inner critical voice take over and take charge. Getting happy, using hypnotherapy to relax and soften and be more accepting of yourself, is the most powerful gift I can help you give yourself.

Hypnotherapy is fast, effective and leads to lasting change. I have spent ten years helping clients in South London (brixton, herne hill, dulwich, stockwell, tulse-hill and streatham) and others from around the world, who are happy to see a hypnotherapist online, access the power within to change how the think, feel and behave. Small steps is key! one step at a time.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.