Author: hypno_brixton

I went on a workshop recently about Internal Family Systems. It’s a method of therapy that’s very popular in America and is gaining traction here now that neuroscience is backing up many of its assumptions. To summarise; we have a huge family living inside us! These...

A client of mine described her life with pre-school kids as this: draining, exhausting and boring! She felt she’d morphed into ‘non-entitity’ that spent all day meeting ‘needs’ before collapsing at night. If her partner dared go near her in bed, she’d scream ‘don’t even...

Perhaps it is a symptom of modern-times, perhaps it’s always been this way, however now more people are willing to seek help. I’m finding an increase in the number of clients who have sleep issues. Sometimes it’s insomnia but more often than not, it’s just...

I have had a dozen enquiries just this month from women who want to be more than ‘Mum’. I have a lot of compassion for these women because I too know how your confidence ebbs out of you with each breastfeed or T-shirt worn all day,...

So, it turns out there is a term ‘Feminist Therapy’ but it’s a sub-sect, rather than being standard in therapists' practice; why not? Whether we mind it or not, we live in a patriarchal state; they run the show, they set up the major religions, structures...

I think there is a feminine issue with anger and that is why I take a gender-based view on the subject. When you think about it, ‘anger’ is not something us women are supposed to have - it’s not attractive or feminine and there are...

I have a very confident, successful client at the moment who is a complete joy to see. She has that wonderful mix of charm, self-depreciation and can laugh at herself when I gently pull her up on things she's said or the way she's said...

When my best friend had IVF fifteen years ago, I was sworn to secrecy. She was simply too embarrassed to have it 'known' that she had to go through IVF to have a baby. Of course, I sympathised because everyone wants the 'dream' holiday where...